Kotamobagu City Inflation in February 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotamobagu Municipality

Official News of Statistics on the Development of Consumer Price Index/Inflation of Kotamobagu City for December 2024 was released on January 2, 2025. You can download the news HERE

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Kotamobagu City Inflation in February 2023

Release Date : March 1, 2023
File Size : 1.65 MB


Based on monitoring of 90 national CPI cities in February 2023, all of them
experienced year on year (yoy) inflation and none experienced deflation. Inflationthe highest yoy occurred in Kotabaru City at 7.88 percent and the lowest occurred inWaingapu City by 3.57 percent. Kotamobagu City is ranked 6th
national yoy inflation.

Kotamobagu City experienced an inflation of 7.31 percent due to an increase
Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 108.96 in February 2022 to 116.93 in February 2023.

The increase in index occurred in the transportation group (21.79 percent); followed byhealth group (15.93 percent); food and beverage supply group
restaurants (11.08 percent); the food, beverage and tobacco group (8.64 percent);personal care groups and other services (7.31 percent); education group(5.20 percent); housing, water, electricity, and household fuel groups
(4.70 percent); group of equipment, tools, and routine maintenance of the house
household (2.88 percent). The decrease in index occurred in the recreation, sports,and culture (4.11 percent); followed by the information, communication, and services group finance (0.75 percent); clothing and footwear group (0.48 percent)

The February 2023 month-to-month (mtm) inflation rate was 0.06 percent and
the year to date (ytd) inflation rate for February 2023 was 0.71 percent
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Kotamobagu  (Statistics of Kotamobagu Municipality)Jl. Kinalang

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