BPS Strategic Plan of BPS-Statistics Kotamobagu Municipality, 2015-2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotamobagu Municipality

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BPS Strategic Plan of BPS-Statistics Kotamobagu Municipality, 2015-2019

BPS Strategic Plan of BPS-Statistics Kotamobagu Municipality, 2015-2019Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 15, 2016
File Size : 1.75 MB


Strategic Plan in 2015-of CBS-Statistics of Kotamobagu Municipality refers to the CBS Year Strategic Plan 2015-2019 to the based Regulation of the CBS No. 40 Year 2015 Strategic Plan contains a general description of the vision, mission, goals, strategies, and statistical development policy, as well as the programs and activities of CBS.
Plan CBS-Statistics of Kotamobagu Municipality is a guideline, guide the implementation of the basic tasks and functions of CBS-Statistics of Kotamobagu Municipality for 5 (five) years into the future, based on the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019 and contributions CBS in the achievement of objectives, agenda, and mission development and advanced programs in quickwins president.
All work units, work units, leaders, and staff CBS must implement them accountable and always oriented to increase performance (better performance). To ensure the successful implementation and realizing the vision of achieving the BPS as Pioneer Trusted Data Statistics for All.
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